Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sakura-con !

This weekend was so much fun. It was totally exhausting, and totally inspiring. So many things to do now, things to make now. I met some really cool people and I hope to stay in touch with them, because that would be awesome.
(If you are reading this because I met you at Sakura-con, you are most likely one of those cool people. Don't let it go to your head)

D--> In other news I have selected my ne%t cosplay 
D-->Not only because of the e%ceptional amount of positive feedback regarding the idea
D-->But also because of the e%treme amount of fun I am having with it 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


        This soap dish of ours was featured in a treasury today.

Con the heir

My roommates and I were talking about Con Air and the following conversation took place.
Me: Vriska coned the heir
Roommate: After she failed to turn the page
Me: lol
Roommate: She tore the page out of the book and threw it of the cliff because the page was a useless cripple.
Me: That she did. That she did.

The views of cripples expressed are those of Vriska Serket and not of person who actually said it.   

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I'm working on getting the code up for the
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness fanlisting I just joined. Till then here is the link